Japanese Big & Tall Clothing for Men

Want to know! Maintenance for shoes

Are you leaving the shoes usually wearing off as they are?
Although care of shoes is troublesome and tough,
It is important to keep the condition to demonstrate the original function.
So, this time, should know the points care about and how to clean
Think can help patronize forever!


Should to be careful 4 points

  • 1. To do the maintenance of inside from new product.
    So shoes of protection waterproofing and cream, rain from uncleanness to protect.
  • 2. To make rest of shoes.
    A considerable amount of sweat will be released when wear it for a day.
    Please shoe more than two pairs of shoes alternately wearing shoes that sweat absorbed every day, please last shoes.
  • 3. Rain is an enemy of shoes.
    Waterproof spray and protect shoes from rain and water.
  • 4. Try to diligently care.
    It marked with dust and mud if brush even a little, will cause stains and dirt. Day-to-day care will be important.

Want to know before the maintenance

When using shoes, be sure to use the shoehorn without stepping on the heel.
The heel portion is important for maintaining the shape of the entire shoe, and when it is sore, the shape of shoes changes and the comfort becomes worse, deterioration also accelerates.

Shoes of safekeeping way

There are cautions in storage of shoes such as moisture and mold. To keep it long, it is a point to care and moderately wear!

  • 1. Shade and store, then care for.
    Dirt may cause mold etc.
  • 2. Fix the shape with a shoe keeper or the like.
    It is to prevent shape collapse.
  • 3. Place it out of humidity.
    There is also a method to put drying agent. Moisture can cause mold, hydrolysis, etc.
  • 4. When storing in a closed place, ventilate frequently.

How was it?
Although it may be a little troublesome, since it is possible to keep the condition easier to wear by firmly doing it
Certainly, think do your best and care for it!

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