Japanese Big & Tall Clothing for Men

Partial leaning is impossible! What is the reason why you do not want to reduce belly fat

Although I write it on this blog several times, there is always a certain number of needs “I want to partly lose weight!”
If anything, women are more likely than men.

In the case of men, thinking if you want to diet,

“I want to reduce body weight and body fat while maintaining muscle”

about it.

In the case of women, thinking if you want to diet,

“I want to make it a sharp body, I do not want my chest to lose weight. I hope the waist is kinky and my sag has disappeared and my thighs become thinner.

about it. Greed (lol

I want to partly lose weight, so I’m going to slimming esthetic and getting rid of the part I want to lose weight carefully.

However, is it possible to say that partial stagnation in the first place?


Partial leaning is impossible

I write a conclusion, but it is impossible.
Such is impossible to decide.
Due to the characteristics of the human body, it is impossible to think how to reduce only a part of fat.

If you dare say, if you attach muscles to that part, there is a possibility that only that part will be thin.
For example, it is easy for fat to stick around the human stomach to protect valued internal organs, because it is an important point to support upper body and lower body.

Human skeleton is divided between upper body and lower body.
Only the backbone is connected.
It is not a bone to support its backbone but a bone to protect the nerve, so it is almost not supported.

So, you support the upper body with abdominal muscles and spine.
It is an important muscle to keep the balance of the body.

What happens when such abs and muscles are weak?
Because the body is uneasy, I’m trying to accumulate fat there and try to help the support.

Fat does not decrease without muscle training

So, if you want to thin the waist, want to manage a metabolic stomach, if you think you want a constriction, you have to train the abdominal muscles and spine.
A slender and stylish woman, you and your abs and back muscles are solid.
So fat is scraped off.

However, I think that those with muscle training experience will understand, but abdominal muscles, spine muscles are muscles hard to train anything.
Thigh muscles can be driven relatively easily even with squats, but it is difficult to drive the abdominal muscles.

In the end, you will train your whole body muscles.
It is not easy to state that other muscles are weak and only the abdominal muscles are strong.

Since the basal metabolism will increase if the muscle mass of the whole body increases, it will become a body that is easy to lose weight.
After all, it is the shortcut of a diet that trains the muscles of the whole body and leans overall.
Partial lean can not be easily done.

Where does body get thinner?

So, where do you lose weight as you diet restricted diet after actually trained muscles?

Taking this experience based on my own experiences and cases of other people, I will lose weight from a distance from the center of my body.
From elbow to tip, from knee.
Next, arm, thigh.

Eventually my stomach and back will become thinner.
I think that there are many people who want to split the abdominal mound exactly, but this is really the last time.
No matter how much you are training the abdominal muscles, if the body fat percentage is 15% or so, the abdominal muscles will not break.

Conversely, even if you do not train your abdominal muscles, your abdominal muscles will crack without permission if body fat cuts below 10%.
It only seems broken from the beginning.

In the case of a woman, there are reasons that feeling as if the chest is thinning is because the base and pectoral muscles in the inside of the chest are getting less.
So it is better to train your upper body firmly in order to raise it on the foundation.

However, as I wrote earlier, muscles of the arms are also necessary to try to train the pectoralis muscle.
After all it will be totally forged.


Partial thinning is a coined word created by Buttutixyake Diet Business.
Originally impossible.

Based on the diet theory firmly, you want to make a correct diet.

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