Japanese Big & Tall Clothing for Men

Want to wear favorite for long! maintenance of the suit

Think that there are also many people who work in wearing suit, but they are full of wrinkles and unpleasant odors …
Keep it tight and put it to great trouble! There are not many people how many?
Although I feel that the care of the suit seems to be a little hurdle, if you hold down the points and clean it, the suit lasts long. Never have any difficulties so please challenge!


Maintenance of suit Basic Administration

  1. 1. From brushing first
    Let’s brush when we return. It is also caused by dust that the color of clothes burns.
    Since the ingredients of the dust are alkaline with dust, you will brush yourself as it will hurt the essence of wool.
  2. 2. Spray water as it gets wet with a spray
    Not only stretches wrinkles etc., it also has effects on smeared stains and the like.
  3. 3. Apply wind for about 1 to 2 hours with a fan etc.
    The moisture evaporates, and the smell gets off.
  4. 4. Hang it in a well-ventilated place, put on a day
    As long as you wear it with rotation you can keep a good condition so the suit lasts longer.

If the sweat gets attached to the suit

Gently press the wet towel to the place where you sweat.
Take the water with a dry towel and dry it in a well-ventilated place.
* Parts especially easy to sweat, such as around the neck, are effective when using a towel wet with hot water.

When the smell of the suit can not be taken

Make the towel immerse the ammonia water diluted with water to make it tighter.
Tap the entire suit with the towel and hang it on the hanger.

「Personal Care」カテゴリーの記事